4 Ways to Format Your Blog Posts So They’re Easier to Read

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Back in the early days of online writing and web development (1995), formatting possibilities were very limited for most web content.  You had to be proficient in HTML (hyper text markup language) in order to change the font size of your written content which was beyond the technical abilities of many internet users.

There were only a few changes you could make to subheads and most text and online fonts were limited to Arial and Verdana.  However, now with all the Web 2.0 changes, many blog posts and online content is now being formatted with the beauty and legibility of layout print magazines. Web developers have developed these features into their blog themes so that the average blog owner doesn’t have to learn HTML and can take advantage of more advanced formatting possibilities.  Of course, their (the blog owners)  objective is to get blog readers to read their content, share their blog posts and/or act on the call to action.

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4 Ways to Revise Your Article and Make It Pop!

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You have completed your article and reviewed it, but it either doesn’t reach the minimum word count that you were striving for or you just don’t like the flow of your article.
What can you do at this point to improve your article?  I suggest that you think, A.R.R.R. .   No, I am not suggesting that you pretend to be a pirate, but rather to recall the acronym A.R.R.R. which (your English teacher probably mentioned this formula in your high school English Composition class) stands for the “revision” stage of writing, specifically–Adding, Arranging, Removing or Replacing.
After writing your article, you are ready to revise what you have written. This step doesn’t apply to every article you write, but just to those that don’t seem to flow well when you read them. In this case, you might want to remove whole sections, rewrite entire paragraphs, and add in information which you’ve realized the reader will need to know to understand the points you have made in your article.